While all reasonable safety measures are taken, participants take part at their own risk.
For all students who join our holiday schools the dress code is movement wear with sensible movement footwear i.e. black jazz shoes or jazz sneakers, trainers or plimsols, leggings, T-shirts, tracksuits. Jazz shoes are safe & easy to move in which is why we require all students to wear them. We sell jazz shoes at our Sussex branches so they can be ordered directly from us. For the performance children will be provided with a West End Experience T-shirt and have to supply back leggings/joggers, black socks, black jazz shoes/plain black trainers or plimsolls.
SECURITY AND CHILD PROTECTION: No child will be allowed out of the building unsupervised under the age of 16yrs (unless parental permission is given) so please come to reception to drop off & collect your child. All of our staff have enhanced DBS certificates & all performances are staffed by Licensed Chaperones as per Government Legislation for Child Protection in public performance venues. No responsibility can be taken by West End Experience or West End Experience East for the welfare of children who have parental permission to leave the premises, while they are off site.
AGENCY & PROFESSIONAL WORK: Students may be invited to audition for our associated agency after training with us. This is at our discretion & following observation in our classes & discussing student potential with our teachers. The Agency will decide who they wish to sign onto their books – the final choices lie with them, not WEE. If the Agency runs an audition workshop, they dictate how the workshop will be run. From time to time, the Agency may contact WEE for suggestions for specific auditions. WEE may suggest students even if they are not represented by the agency. Professional castings & auditions also come into the WEE office directly & WEE will suggest students that they deem suitable.
The West End Experience reserves the right to use professional photos taken of all students past & present in classes & in productions on publicity materials such as our website and leaflets.
The West End Experience reserves the right to use photographs of past & present students on its official social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram for the purposes of sharing information, promoting events and for publicity. The West End Experience reserves the right to use footage (filmed in-house or by a professional filmographer) of past & present students on its social media outlets for publicity purposes. If you do not wish for your child’s image to be used, please inform us in writing at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the course.
If you do not wish for your child to appear in any such publicity then please do not tick this box.
FEES ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Other payment plans are available should you require it. Please contact the office for further details. We offer a £50 discount for the 1st sibling for the main course or 20% for the Weeny course. Please note that when a place is unavailable the applicant will be placed on our waiting list & we will inform you as soon as a place becomes available. No refunds will be made for any missed sessions or if you cancel after a place has been booked either by form or online, following the statutory seven day cooling off period which is applicable from the time of booking. Within seven days of booking a full refund will be made following notice of the cancellation being received in writing. After this time any refund amount is at the discretion of West End Experience and West End Experience (East). No refunds will be made for cancellations made within 90 days of the start date of the course which has been booked.
At all our holiday schools, we reserve the right to dismiss any child who becomes disruptive or behaves inappropriately. As recommended by East Sussex County Council, we operate a Yellow Card system to ensure there is good discipline at all times. If a child is found to be disruptive they will be given a Yellow Card warning which will be kept on record. If any student is given 3 such warnings within a year they will be asked to leave the school. This situation is very rare as our professional team of teachers is experienced & reasonable in its approach to achieving a professional, inspiring & fun filled working environment for our students. Good time keeping, a consistent uniform dress code, tidy folders containing all song lyrics & scripts & particularly excellent behaviour on professional jobs are an essential ingredient of our unique training. By the way, they also have a great time and lots of fun!!
WEE reserve the right to keep on file, all students details as per their application form, for the duration of the student’s time with us and 1 year after. This information will be used to inform students of WEE related notices via email, text and letter. Once student data has been filed, all application forms will be shredded, except for the signed T&C’s. If a student doesn't rejoin WEE, their details will be taken off the system, unless previously specified. WEE reserve the right to share this information within the company, to School Managers, Chaperones and Tutors, as they see fit.